Primary 4 Science
Objectives of our P4 Science Programme
​Students who find the following challenges will benefit from our programme...
Unable to consolidate information and gain clarity
Unable to apply concept to application questions
Losing marks for wrong keywords or insufficient details for open-ended questions
Losing marks to carelessness for MCQs and open-ended questions

​Skills and Processes Acquired during the Programme
Generating possibilities
Communicating and understanding of pictorial, graphical and tabular content
Decision-making; to consider among seemingly equal alternatives and make a choice
2025 Syllabus Content

​Plant System
Human Systems
Effects of Heat
Lesson Framework
1. Lectures
Students acquires knowledge with the use of our carefully curated Lecture Notes, which summaries content and embeds popular questions and activities to enhance understanding.
Students are given topical Summary Maps which show condensed information, keywords and comments on common challenges faced
2. Tutorials
Geno House creates questions to assist students to master essential solving skills and the appropriate ways of presenting answers (e.g. using structured framework and/or keywords)
Students are equipped with exam tactics to minimise carelessness. Tutors apply K.E.E.P to monitor and review their progress and understanding.
Students are supplemented with past years school papers and additional resources, with aims to enhance the application of Geno House solving skills and to increase the exposure to a great variety of questions.
3. Experiments
Students get to experience hands-on activities relating to the topic taught. Online students will get to work on similar experiments at home. For experiments that are complicated or need apparatus not easily available at home or not delivery-friendly, students will follow tutor’s demonstration and receive videos for future reference
For relating of other concepts/content, Geno House tutors may perform demonstrations and/or upload as videos for future reference

Common problem faced by P4 Students

Comment: Students either produce the claim and the evidence, but miss out the scientific explanation (concepts) or does not produce sufficient details for the scientific explanation.
Geno House uses the 3C-analysis method to help students to organise the flow of concepts and uses the Rationalise-stage of S.O,A,R, to frame the answer.
(O) Set-up B. (F) The size of the food particles were smaller than in A.
(L) Hence, they have greater exposed surface area to the digestive juice to be digested faster.